Happy Little Accidents

The goal of creating this game was to pass the 3rd assessment in the Certificate III course in IDMT that I am currently studying.  To pass, I had to create a functioning game and include certain things such as my own textures and a HUD within the game to show I had the knowledge to do so.  Some of these things, like the HUD, wound up in the game as necessity.  The timer, for example, was included despite doing very little in the game beyond qualifying as a HUD, although it should be said there were plans of a timed highscores section that got cut due to time, something I'll touch on in another post.  Other parts of the necessary inclusions however shaped everything the game became.  When I started the project, the initial idea I had was to create some form of obstacle course, likely off the back of playing lots of Fall Guys in the lead up to the project.  So to that end I found a free character on the asset store of Unity.  A fun bumbling looking figure.  As I had to learn how to create textures and include them, I started playing around with the model in Paint 3D, until a wrong brush selection led to what the shadow in the game looks like now.  That small wrong click led to a completely different game concept, and the Shadow rose, so to speak.  The combination of the new 'spooky' looking character and the tutorial on character controllers in Unity led to the maze and chase game I wound up with.


WebBuild.zip 11 MB
Oct 27, 2020

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